Spot's AI reporting tool makes it safer for employees & freelancers to speak up and easier for companies to follow up, even on anonymous reports.
Why does Primetime partner with Spot?
Most women who experience harassment and discrimination at work don’t report it because of the fear of retaliation and risk to their careers. In our industry, they also may not have a support network or human resources available to them. One of the most important goals of Primetime is not only to keep women in work, but to keep them in work safely. This is where Spot comes in.
Spot allows those who have experienced harassment or discrimination to document their experience safely, anonymously, and without judgement.
You can use Spot to create a private report about inappropriate workplace behaviour. You can then choose to save the report for yourself or submit the report to your employer. The process takes as little as 10 minutes or as long as you need.
For definitions of workplace harassment and discrimination, you can also consult the Spot legal handbook.
What is Spot?
Spot is an AI bot. Talking to Spot is like texting or using a messaging app, but with a machine instead of a friend. Spot responds to what you write and can ask meaningful follow-up questions to help you document important details.
Does Primetime collect Spot reports?
No. Primetime does not receive or have access to Spot reports. Primetime does not know whether you have used the bot, created a report, or submitted a report to anyone.
Is Spot free to use?
Yes. It’s always free for individuals to use Spot to document and report harassment and discrimination. Organizations pay for Spot in order to access its dashboard and follow-up features. Spot is funded by and built out of All Turtles, a startup based in San Francisco, Tokyo, and Paris that develops practical AI products to solving pressing, meaningful problems with emerging technology.
To whom should I send a Spot report?
For Freelancers
To protect your anonymity, Spot will submit your report on your behalf. Simply go to Spot and document the incident. At the end of the process, Spot will ask you whether you’d like to save the report for yourself or submit it to your organization. If you choose to submit the report, you can provide an email address for the person you’d like to receive the report.
We recommend providing Spot with the email address of your 1st AD (Assistant Director), Line Producer, or Producer. You can find their contact information on your callsheet.
What should I do if the Line Producer is the person I am having problems with?
In this scenario, you can provide Spot with the email address of one of the project Producers. Their contact information will be found on your callsheet.
For employees
Your company may or may not have an HR (Human Resources) department. Either way, you can use Spot to anonymously document and report inappropriate behavior. If your company does not have an HR department or person, and you work in a team, you can provide Spot with the email address of your manager or boss. Spot can submit your report to them on your behalf, in order to protect your anonymity.
To get started, simply go to Spot and document the incident. At the end of the process, Spot will ask you whether you’d like to save the report for yourself or submit it to your organization. If you choose to submit the report, you can provide an email address for the person you’d like to receive the report.
Who should I contact if I have a problem with Spot?
Please contact the Spot team if you have any questions about Spot reports or experience technical difficulties with Spot at: hello@talktospot.com
What other help is available to me?
If you are represented by an agent or by a union, you should contact them directly for more advice and support. Some of the main unions can be found below.
Initial queries can be raised by email or by telephone to one of BECTU's offices.
Harassment and Bullying Reporting Line: 020 7670 0268
mkenny@equity.org.uk, Legal Officer
Supporting individuals in the industry going through challenges. Their free hotline gives you 24/7 help, including access to services that could help with your issue and legal advice: 0800 054 0000.
At Primetime, we have an ethos of celebrating inclusive and safe work practices. Spot provides companies with an easy way to really understand what is happening within their workplaces and gives them the opportunity to address any concerns proactively and efficiently.
How can I get Spot for my Company?
Every day, companies around the world use Spot to facilitate safe, productive dialogue about inappropriate behaviour in their workplaces. Get Spot for your company at talktospot.com.
Are there legal benefits to using Spot?
Yes. One of the main benefits is that by encouraging your employees and freelancers to use Spot for problems as they arise, you’re more likely to find out about issues early. It allows you to deal with problems internally and try to prevent them from escalating to resignations, legal action, or bad press.
For more on this topic, see our handbook on harassment and discrimination.
What happens if I ignore a Spot report?
Responding to all allegations of harassment and discrimination is essential to maintaining the trust of your employees and freelancers.
If it feels like such issues are ignored or dealt with insufficiently, your employees’ and freelancers’ satisfaction suffers, as does your ability to recruit and retain a qualified and inclusive workforce.